When you forget that you put a plastic plate in the oven…
When you forget that you put a plastic plate in the oven…
When you forget that you put a plastic plate in the oven…
Congrats @_bcox88 Graduated from @angelostate in 3.5 years. So proud of you.
I didn’t grow up in a military family or knowing any of the lingo so when Kyndal told me that Kevin would be turning green in December, I...
Got to place an Army patch on this man today. What an honor! So proud of you @kevinjensenc
Just spent two weeks in Myanmar visiting homes and telling stories. Here is a video / slideshow of a few of our photos. #Angie #Bobby...
So I had tea with a monk today. I shared the story of Zacchaeus and had a wonderful conversation on what caused the change in Zacchaeus...
Transition day between Loikaw and Kaleywa. We got to see some more of this beautiful country.
Kalaymyo, Myanmar
This woman was gathering some leaves outside her home to give her baby because he was sick. I told her that Jesus once spit in the dirt...
This little guy lives in a village with no running water, no water wells, and no electricity. We drove almost two hours through the...
Sunrise in Loikaw
Texas football with @_bcox88 as the Head Linesman.
Went to Las Vegas to watch the nephew play football and walked through Cesar’s Palace. Strange place.
Saw this little girl floating home from school. Cool little river and neighborhood in Chaung Tha.
Soccer on the beach