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Had My Head Examined

Several posts ago, I wrote about a bump on the back of my head. I thought I would give you an update. The bump has gone done completely, but I was still experiencing some sharp pain… much less than when the bump was there, but it was about 2 or 3 times a day. So while in Dubai, I went to the American Hospital and got it checked out by a Neurologist. I described my situation and history to him (I tried not to diagnose my problem for him…)

So he informed me that my brain is too large for my skull. He said my brilliance can no longer be contained in such a small place. He told me that sometimes it hurts to be so smart. I thought for sure he knew my pain as he was quite a brilliant man for being able to diagnose so accurately my situation. When I ask about a solution he said that I could enter a research group that is working on creating another head for people in my situation (approximately less than .01% of the world’s population.) I told him while it would be fun to the be the first person to have two heads and allow my intelligence to continue to grow, I didn’t want to become part of the circus or be featured on National Geographic or Discovery…. at least not like that. So I ask him if there were any other solutions. He said, there is possibly one other diagnosis. It’s possible that your brain is not too large for you head and that you must have had some type of infection that caused your lymph nodes to swell. Most likely the inflammation was impacting a nerve in the area. Since nerves take longer to heal, it must be that the nerve is telling you it is not completely healed by sending you a message… pain. So, good news. I had my head examined and it turns out I’m normal. Well…. I guess that’s debatable after reading this blog huh.



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I am Bobby Cox. I write and keep photos in a blog because I want a record of my journey. I share it in hopes that my life might be a blessing to others.

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