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New Site Coming Soon

Sorry friends. I know I have not posted much here lately. I have been working hard on our new site. We have a lot of changes coming in the future and I want the new site to be ready to help us communicate.

We leave the USA on Jan 7 and head back to the islands. When we get there, our kids will begin going to a private school on the main island… hopefully. We are still waiting confirmation on the school. Anyway, Angie is going to have a lot more time. One of the jobs she is going to pick up from me is the her turn on the blog. Yeah, that’s right. The better writer will be online and giving her perspective for a while. I am trying to make the site so that it is “Angie friendly.”

I am going to try to give you a photo of the week. That’s my part. I hope to post a photo of the week and so you will get my “view” weekly as well.. and that’s worth a 1000 words right? So thanks for being patient as we revamp the site.

Another change will be that you will no longer need to be a member of to make comments on our site. You will need to register with our site, but the registration is just with us, not a third party i.e.

Stay tuned…



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