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Did you know there is a World Cup?

I’m not sure I had ever heard of the World Cup before June 2006. However, for the last week World Cup has been the topic of nearly every conversation. in case you don’t know, the World Cup is a like the biggest event in football (or soccer as we call it.) We have yet to decide or favorite club, but will probably wait and see who wins the World Cup to decide and then we will obviously choose the team that wins. The reason I bring all of this up, is that the World Cup was kicked off yesterday with Costa Rica playing Germany. Just outside our window was a large and very loud temporary outdoor theatre that displayed the game. The game aired at 9:00 pm here. There was another large screen about 500 yards away. It was a really big deal.We finally got our two burner gas stove hooked up. We had the wrong kind of propane bottle and had to have switched out. In case that went right by you, we have a propane bottle inside our house sitting on the floor next two our kitchen wall. In case that went right by you, we have a wall for a kitchen. Please do not hear discontentment in this, I just want to give you a picture of our adjustment. We live a pretty simple life and we love it.


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