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Last one in is a rotten egg.

Angie was up with Braden most of the night last night. His fever reached 103 several times and she gave him more medicine and made him take 2 showers during the night. As you know, we do not have any hot water, but he said the showers made him feel better. I met some friends this morning who had come here to work with their business. These friends have allowed me to stay in their flat while we looked for permanent living arrangements. It turns out, we have to move by then end of June. We have a couple of options, but nothing definite yet.I made some calls today about my business, and I think we are making progress. Don’t worry, I will call for the celebration when we get the approval. I feel it will be this week.We are still trying to get adjusted to the food. Angie opened a can of tuna and decided to add some mustard. Our mustard (that we just purchased from a shop yesterday) was ruined. Well at least I think it was… it had brown stuff all on the inside. As Napoleon would say, “Garose!”Yesterday I had decided to make some french toast – Kenny you would be proud. I was cracking some eggs into a bowl and getting ready to pour in the milk. On my last egg, I cracked it and “Garose” again. It was all brown and stinky. It was too late, it was already mixed in with my other eggs. I kinda laughed out loud and said, “last one in is a rotten egg.” My family thought I was a bit crazy, until they saw what had happened. Angie told me that I was supposed to crack the eggs individually into a cup first. Sure what a great idea. I learned a new lesson.We met with our friends David and Pam this afternoon. It was so wonderful to have a conversation with somebody where we understood everything they were saying and they understood us. We watched Kyndal play on the beach this afternoon for over an hour. She was playing with 6 or 7 other girls. At one point they were all sitting in a circle brushing Kyndal’s hair, laughing, talking and having a good time. After a while they began to play tag. It seemed like Kyndal was always “it.” I think this was because they all wanted to touch her and she was pretty easy to tag as her experience in beach running is limited. It was so much fun to watch her have a good time. When she came in, I asked her, “What were the girls names?” She said, “I don’t know how to say them.” The sounds are foreign to us, but we will get it.Braden is still not feeling well. We have rotated the Tylenol and Ibuprofen and kept the fever down. Angie plans to sleep again in his room and Kyndal with me. I wish you were here to see the moon and bright reflection of the sun over the ocean and beach. It is breathtaking!


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