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On the down hill slide…

Sorry to leave you hanging and worrying about our kids being sick. I am limited to when I can update my blog. Brado is about 90% back to normal and Kindy is turning the corner. We may have a few more days of fever and rash with Kindy, but we are keeping it under control and watching it closely. Last night Angie had to give Kindy some medicine and apparently she didnt like it, because she refunded. Yeah thats the nice way to say it, but we managed to get some medicine down and keep it down. Thanks for thinking about us. Angie is coping well too. It is obvious the kids illness has worn her out. It is 9:34pm or 21:34 as they say here and she is sound asleep. It is very unlike Angie to fall asleep before me.We did not bring all that many clothes, but I did bring a couple pairs of pants for important meetings. I anticipated an important meeting today, so I got the pants out and Angie ironed them last night. It is obvious that I have already lost some weight… good thing I brought a belt. With as much walking and sweating as I am doing it no wonder I have lost weight. The heat also curbs my appetite, I don’t seem to be as hungry either. I guess the fact that I cannot have my usual bowl of cereal about 10:00 PM could have something to do with it too.Ok, enough of the non-sense, lets get on to the good stuff. I received my letter of “no-objection” from the department of tourism today…. YIPEE! Now all I have to do is actually register our company with another department and we are off and running. My friend in the tourism industry (I call him my friend…. I actually met him by calling about 50 people here while I was in the US and he was the first to really want to help me.) is helping me submit all the correct documents for registration and has been very kind to offer his time at no benefit to himself. He is my friend! I have prepared the needed documents and they are ready for delivery in the morning. So again we wait. I will also go to Immigration department tomorrow and begin the visa process. As most of you know, I am very persistent and that has come in handy in getting the job done here.Ok…. a little more life now. When we woke up this morning, we could no longer get water to one of the three faucets to our sink and the washing machine. I thought for sure that we had tripped a breaker to the water pump on the ground floor. I went down to check and all breakers are good. As the day goes on and I ask more questions, it turns out that the pump is working fine, its that we have run out of rain water. Rain water? Huh? I had no idea. All this time we have had 3 faucets and all from 3 different sources. One is salt water (we never use it) another is ocean water (no not the sonic flavor) that they have taken the salt out – I think it is called desalinization and the third comes from the rain reservoir. So…. all this to say, we are out of rain water on our island and it is the rainy season… thats not real good. Dont worry Nana, we wont dehydrate… we just have to use the desalinized water and it is the most expensive of the three. We figured out how to grill some chicken on some bamboo skewers tonight for dinner. Mixed with some rice and carrots, it was mmm mmm good. We bought the kids some ice cream today. The Sea Gull is known for the best ice cream on the island. It was no Cold Stone, but the kids were happy.There is a lot of wonderful stuff going on here and hopefully I will not fail in getting you all the information. I wish there was a way to share every detail with you.I dont remember if I have shared with you why we cannot stay in our current flat. The flat we are staying in was rented by another company that was not ready to use it yet. They offered to sub-rent it to me until they were ready. Well they are nearly ready, so we are frantically looking for another place. We have looked at some others on the same road as our current flat, but most are nearly double the rent. It just seems crazy to pay that kind of rent. We may not have much of a choice and hopefully my office can be in my house. If this is the case, we can save some money on one end and spend it on the other and hopefully break even on our budget. We are fine, dont worry about that. Angie is supposed to go look at a flat tomorrow while I am gone. It is only 2 buildings down and is close to what we are currently paying. We know there is a place that will fit us perfect and is designed and ready for us to live, it just a matter of listening, thinking and finding.Our friends David and Pam are still in the country and are working with the government on some Tsunami Relief projects. There are several islands that remain in need of some relief work. Tomorrow, David and I will go visit three of the islands. David is hoping that while I am here setting up Selah, that I can help oversee some of the relief projects that are being funded by American dollars. You know I love to help out where I can, so I am going to be the eyes and ears for him while he is away. Because of the time and distance, David and I will be gone until Saturday morning. Pam is going to stay with Angie and the kids. These friends of ours have lived in this part of the world for the last 10 or so years. Angie and the kids will be in good hands. I am telling you all this for a couple of reasons. If you would like to volunteer to help with some relief work, shoot me an email. Also, I will be away from email and blogging for a couple of days and will likely not post until Sunday. If you feel really techy… shoot us a text message (Angie 0119607600694) and (Bobby 0119607852227) So until then….


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